Dealing With Teeth Whitening Sensitivity

One surefire way to ascertain a whiter and a brighter smile is by going through a simple procedure of teeth whitening. It is a simple dental procedure that can lighten the existing color of your teeth by several shades.

Ouch! Teeth Whitening can cause Sensitivity…

If you already have a sensitive set of teeth, teeth whitening process can leave them way more sensitive and hence they can ache on getting in touch with any stimuli, even air. So while achieving sparkling white teeth can certainly give a boost to your confidence and dramatically improve your smile, you may question if it is worth undergoing the treatment and experiencing the discomfort.

Well if there’s a Downside, there are Ways to Combat this Issue as well…

Yes, you don’t have to give teeth whitening procedure a miss, just because of your fear of sensitivity. There are a few things that can be done to cope-up with the problem of teeth whitening sensitivity.

· Swear by Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Anti-inflammatory drugs are meant to ease pain and sensitivity that comes along with the teeth whitening treatment. Pain relievers like Advil or Aspirin should be taken an hour before the bleaching process. These medications reduce the swelling of the tooth nerves, thus stopping the tingling effect. However, it is best to take any medication only after consulting your dentist.

· Limit Acid Intake During Active Whitening Periods

A teeth whitening therapy will remove the protein pellicle off your teeth leaving your teeth defenseless and vulnerable to acids. With your pores already more exposed to oral cavity, you wouldn’t want acids to make the condition worse for you. So avoid consuming carbonated beverages and acidic foods after your teeth whitening treatment.

· Avoid Extreme Temperatures

To minimize the discomfort after whitening, stick to room temperature beverages. As your teeth become more porous, they experience thermal sensitivity, i.e. sensitivity to anything too hot or too cold.  Ice-cream, frozen food items, noodles, coffee, or anything straight out of refrigerator should be strictly avoided.

· Use a Desensitizing Gel

Just like local analgesic, desensitizing agents can ease the pain. Just apply the gel for about 10-30 minutes using the bleaching trays provided by your dentist and after rinsing you will feel sensitivity.

· Always Use Fluoride Rinses and Sensitivity Toothpaste

To alleviate teeth whitening symptoms, it is best to use fluoride rinses or sensitivity toothpaste. This treatment can be suggested before and after whitening procedure.

·         Choose a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush to Brush your Teeth

As soft-bristles are gentle on your teeth, they will not erode away the weak tooth surfaces resulted by chemicals in teeth whitening products. Just before and after the whitening procedure, use an ultra-soft bristled brush for your teeth. Before brushing, wash your brush in lukewarm water.

If Sensitivity Still Persists, Visit your Dentist…

Following a whitening procedure, if sensitivity still persists after 48 hours, it is recommended to visit your dentist. Get your teeth examined to find out if sensitivity is a result of whitening treatment, or there are other factors like recessions and cavities that are causing the condition.

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